"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision,” by Helen Keller.
To be physically blind does not mean that one cannot see. There are many who can see physically yet lack vision/direction for themselves. To have no direction means that one will not be profitable, as they will go through the motions, wondering helplessly through life. Even worst, they may become self-destructive as negative thoughts from self and others may cause them to lose self-value. In addition, they may waste time and money trying to figure what they want and become mentally and emotionally unstable.
I remember before I began nursing school, I was at a lost as to what I wanted to do. As a result, I began to have anxiety. I would try to bury the feeling by watching videos of other people’s lives. Soon, I started to feel numb. Eventually, I became slightly irritable and unproductive. I spent my days watching YouTube and movies. Rather than using those videos as motivation for things that I could accomplish and setting goals to achieve those aspirations, I fell into a hole that was filled with fear, anxiety, and hopelessness.
Without a vision the people Perish
If things were to change, I needed to change. I was fortunate because even though I was weak spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, I still had enough sense to put my life and prayers to God.

I had a support system that knew me and pushed me even when I couldn’t push myself.
Thus, with prayer and taking the time to figure out what I wanted, I chose nursing school. It was a hard ride, but once everything was in perspective, with God first, things began to fall into place. It was not easy, but nothing of value ever is.
Disclaimer: This post is affiliated with a scholarship produced by www.marveloptics.com . Thank you for your support.
That is it for now. Until next time. Peace be.
~Simply Anna Reece