Meet Anna
Born to a single mother and raised in Jamaica, it was obvious from a young age that Anna had an interest in medicine, thus her family worked to nurture that. As she grew up, she also showed interests in singing, art, and reading. When she moved to America, things soon changed for Anna, because she realized that there was not a straightforward definition of success. This new mindset challenged Anna to explore her other interests, but success did not bloom overnight; there were many setbacks. However, one day Anna decided to write. At first she would write blog posts and then she would write a book to see if that was something she would want to pursue (she was always writing stories in her mind anyways, so why not put them to paper?)
As time went by, she meshed her various nicknames and started an Instagram page, this blog site, and a Pinterest page.
Today, Anna is an international student living in the United States. She graduated from nursing school with her Associates and is currently working on her Bachelor's in nursing.
Her mission is to nurture her gifts and inspire creativity and organization.
She is a believer of Holiness and believes that all things should be done for the glory of God. She recognizes her talents as a gift from God and aims to bring her blossoms to Him.
Nursing school can be busy and the road of an international student can become hectic. She dreams of not only helping those who are in similar situations, but also hopes to bring some creativity and joy through her works.
Stay tuned and follow her journey,
Peace be.
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