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Six Tips for Being Productive (During Quarantine)

Writer's picture: simplyannarsimplyannar

Since the quarantine, my goal was to find a schedule where I could find balance and not pressure myself. It took me a while to find the right one, but after watching a few videos from people like Waystostudy, Elena Handtrack, and Mariana’s Study corner, I was able to apply some techniques that I am excited about.

In this post, I want to share with you six (6) things to keep in mind to help you to be both productive and inspired. Though creating a routine is important for some, it may not be for others. It may just be hard to incorporate for one reason or another.

These are tips that I have either known about for a while or have just incorporated and it works for me.

1. Schedule

Humans tend to be creatures of habit and creating a schedule can be relaxing as it alleviates the stress of deciding what you should be doing. Find a schedule/routine that works you. This may vary depending on if you or a morning vs. night person or if you are on your own vs. if you live with others. Also, it helps if you stick to your normal routine as closely as possible. So, if you worked or went to school between 10:00 am-5 pm, try to keep those hours for school/work.

2. Study Space

It helps to have a place to just zone out. Your books are already there, and you do not have to put them away to bring them out the next day (I would suggest organizing them though). This will be your space to do what you need to do, and your brain will eventually recognize that when you are in this area, you are there to work. Adding to this, I agree that it helps to change into "everyday clothes." You do not have to be fancy but just to get out of your sleepwear helps. Personally, I do not do this every day, especially if I plan to have a shorter workday or at times, I am just lazy. However, I do notice a difference as I tend to be more laid back (even in my attitude) when I do not change.

3. Rewards

Something to motivate you to the finishing line helps. It does not have to be big, maybe a cup of tea with a few pages from a book at the end of the day or a 10-minute break after reading that frustrating chapter. When it comes to taking breaks though, I have noticed that I like shorter breaks for lunch; 45 minutes to 1 and a half hours. It also depends on the mood I am in. If I am in no mood to work, a longer break may differ my motivation.

Rewards a good, use them wisely, space them out, and change them up. I personally like to reward myself with a movie night at the end of the week and a T.V show or reading at the end of the day, but I do change it up (like tonight for example, I am so hoping for a movie night). I also like to use the forest app because at the end of my study session, I have planted a few trees, earned a few coins, and then every few weeks (usually once a month) I get to go shopping for another tree.

4. Study buddy

Studying with others can be a game changer. We live in a technological society and we should use it. If you cannot study through zoom/facetime/skype with a friend, then that is fine. I personally use study with me videos especially for long study sessions and for times when I do not feel motivated. I also tend to use my forest app and play background sounds such as instrumental music, waves, fireplace, etc. to keep me going.




5. Discipline

Easier said than done. You carved out the time as well as created a schedule, wrote it down in your planner etc. Now it is time to sit and get the work done. Amy Landino has some excellent videos on this. Use a phone app to turn off distractions or simply put the phone away. Tell your family and loved ones when you are not available. If you can, share your schedule with them so they know when you are reachable. When you are studying or working, this is your time, no excuses. Your future self will thank you and the reward you have set in place for later will feel so much more deserving. Personally, this is not my strongest trait which is why I know how important it is and I know that it does not happen overnight. It is something I have to work on, and on the days when I respect my time and encourage others to respect it as well, use the previously mentioned tips, and just sit and get the work done, I feel so much better.

6. Being Kind to Self

This is a stressful time. You will not be able to make a 360 degree turn around in one day and it may take you awhile to get things implemented. Start small, implement one or two things at a time. Take your time, be gentle with yourself, and acknowledge your accomplishments (I am speaking to myself as well).

I hope you found this helpful and if you would like, I could make a post on my planning process.

As a way of encouragement, I would like to share with you my first printable: a daily schedule. I prefer to go from 8am-5pm, but I have left the times open for you to decide you own times. If you enjoy, please share and tag me @simplyannareece or #simplyannareece on instagram.

Also, once you find a schedule that works, send it to your family and loved ones so they know when you are available.

Until next time, peace be.



Én kommentar

22. apr. 2020

Great post! It is definitely needed in today’s world. I especially appreciated tip#5 Discipline. I try to keep my same routine as if I were in going into the office except with a few modifications here and there. ❤️



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