Greetings once again.
The count down for school has officially began for me, and for those of you who are shopping for your nursing school supplies, I thought I would help out.
Now I know things vary depending on the school, workload, and learning patterns. I personally think that this is a learn as you go experience, but I hope that this list gives you a place to start.
If I have favourites, I will have a link to them. They are not affiliate links; I use and genuinely like these products.

Let’s start with lectures
1. Laptop/ tablet (Ipad)- This goes without saying. You’ll need to take notes, watch videos, study, write papers; you get the picture.
2. Printer (or at least access to one)- During nursing school, I felt so bad for printing so much. I figured out it was easier on the planet, ink, and my conscience if I printed my power points with 4-6 slides per page. I would also suggest printing your power points before class.
3. Planner- keeps your organized. See my planner setup here.
4. Coloured Pens- I took my notes in one colour, took my teacher’s notes in another colour, and then took my study notes in another. I also colour coded my classes in my planner.
5. Coloured Pencils/Markers- If you are a visual learner, you can use these to make mind maps and draw diagrams/charts.
6. Small calculator: Needed for Pharmacology
7. Highlighters: I don’t think I have to explain
8. Sticky notes and page flags- You will not have the time to complete all of the assigned reading (in most cases). However, it is important to take notes and mark important diagrams.
9. Folders- to organize things
10. Bonus: Rent your books if you can or buy old books from previous students.

Now clinical really depends on your school and I know that COVID-19 has altered things, but if you are from the future where we can have regular clinicals or if you do have to go for clinicals, here is my list for you.
N.B: If your are in first semester, you may not need all of these as they are more convenient for med-surg/tele.
1. Stethoscope- you need to hear your heartbeats and lung sounds.
2. Mini calculator- Drug calculations. (I suggest getting two if you have a separate bag for school and clinical).
3. Hand Sanitizer (if you can alcohol wipes)- You can wipe your equipment down after each shift.
5. Little notebook: to keep track of notes from your patient or random things.
6. Pens, Sharpies, and Markers- Especially if they can be attached to your badge or person for easy reach (caution needed for psychiatric units/patients).
7. Hair Tie (srunchie)- one for you and another for a friend.
8. Females**- Have a hygiene bag with what you need for that special time of the month, or to help a friend.
9. Bandage Scissors
10. Drug book and Nurse diagnosis book** -(not really needed for first semester) (Also, you do not have to get the latest editions, unless required by your school).
11. Folder- to keep organized
12. A watch- helps when you are taking respiration among other things.
13. Clipboard- keep your patient’s info. Your school may provide you with a report/assessment sheet, but if they do not or if they are flexible, try to find some on pinterest or etsy.

That’s it for now. Let me know if I missed anything. You can find me on Instagram where you can ask me questions.
Also, as an incentive to get you inspired and organized, here is a freebie sticker sheet for you nursing students. If you are not a nursing student, most of the stickers can still be used. Tag me on Instagram to let me see how you are using them.
Thanks for stopping by, until next time, Peace be.
Simply Anna Reece.