Greetings lovelies,
We will be looking at my planner set up for back to school. I added things that were specific to my needs, so certain aspects may be different for you. Nonetheless, I hope that you get some inspiration from toady’s post. Should you replicate anything, please tag me on Instagram; I would love to see.
If The Plan Does Not Work, Change The Plan, But NEVER The Goal.
For this month, I had decided not to go with a theme, because I wanted to let my creative juices flow. However, as I worked with this colour highlighter and the polka-dot washi tape, I realized a theme was forming, so I went with it.
I found some pictures of other planner setups and floral designs on pinterest.
I knew that I wanted things to be simple because this would be the first month of school and I knew that I would be busy.

Supplies used:
Washi Tape from JoAnns
Liqui-Mark Fine Tip Pen
Zebra Midliner: Colour Red (it looks more like a deep orange-pink to me)
Happy Planner Create 365 Sticker book (A similar one to mines)
For this weekly, I wanted to challenge myself. I found a few planner inserts that really inspired me, so I decided to take from that and make the design my own. See picture here.
I loved the final design. It’s different from my usual (see my go to layout here).

Supplies Used:
Washi Tape from JoAnns
EK Tools Journaling pen .45mm
Liqui-Mark Fine Tip Pen
Zebra Midliner: Same colour as above
Stickers from my Recollections Planner (Similar to the one I have)
Happy Planner Create 365 Sticker book

Class Key
I added a key for my classes. If you read the post “My Routine for a Successful Semester,” I spoke about colour coding my classes. I took it step further and assigned different trees from the Forest app to track my work/study time and progress for the semester (not shown here).

Reading Tracker
A goal for this semester is to read more. I found this tracker from Mapiful by @the_girlygeek on Instagram and I loved it. I love her design process.
There is a place to add the title of the book, the author, and the rating. I may also add the date I completed each book in the margin.

That’s it for my planner setup for back to school. I may decide to continue with the theme and/or move away from my usual spread. If you are interested to see that process, find me on Instagram @simplyannaree or on Pinterest @ Simply Anna Reece.
Happy Planning and I hope that you have a wonderful and productive semester.
Until next time, Peace Be.
~Simply Anna Reece.