Greetings lovelies. It feels like it has been a while. How are you? I really mean it; I would love to know how you are doing so comment below or find me on Instagram.
I have been wondering all week what I should write for my next post. I have thought of many ideas but did not feel like they were right. I prayed, looked for inspiration on Pinterest and Instagram, and even spoke with some of my support systems, but still came up blank.
However, as I worked on my spread for June, an idea began to formulate.
I got the idea for the spread by watching Shayda Campbell’s latest June spread.
I had some an old calendars that I printed from The Cottage Market. I had found her gorgeous calendars on Pinterest and as the months went by, I found it hard to just throw them out, so I held on to them. These pieces are from her 2017 designs.

Things have been hard, but I had told myself that I wanted to use this time as a period of rest and growth.
I wanted a spread that would inspire me each time I visited it and I think that this spread captured the goal beautifully.
You don’t have to have all the cute stickers or be the best artist in the world. Use what you have and get creative.
After watching Shayda’s video, I turned on some music, gathered my supplies, opened a page few Pinterest pages and got to work.
In the end, this beauty was created and I must say that I get a certain joy from it. The last time that I created a spread that gave both inspiration and tranquility was during spring break 2020.
Start Where You Are, Use What You Have, Do What You Can.
I look forward to working with this spread during the upcoming week by the Grace of God.
I will continue to give my weekly layouts on Instagram (so follow me if you want to see the progress of my goals).
I hope you have a wonderful week and that this spread gave you some inspiration.
The supplies used include:

Monthly Layout:
1. Pigma Micron Pen #1 & #3
2. Crayola markers- I have had these since high school
3. Printer paper with watercolour paint for the quote (I painted on the paper, cut it out, pasted it and then drew and wrote on the paper)
4. Shayda’s video: [8:20] and [17:40]

Weekly layout
2. Crayola markers
3. The Cottage Market calendar scraps
4. Liqui-Mark Hand lettering pen (Fine)
I also used Pinterest for various inspiration on flower combinations, quotes, and font inspiration and I used a ruler and a curved edge for the two boxes.
That is it for now. Please keep safe, and until next time, Peace be.