The other day I had to write a little journal about my thoughts for forth semester.
What can I say? Wow-I am here. I did not get here on my own though as God has been so good in providing me with strength, favor, and the right support system.
So far 4th semester has been all over the place. It has been good, but even days off are not real days off, but days when I should probably try to get something done. Maybe it’s just downloading the notes and get them ready for printing or listen to the audio or take some practice quizzes, whatever I need to do, so that my future self can thank me later. Now, to get into it.
My main goals for this semester are to:
1. Find balance between nursing school, social things, and myself. A friend mentioned that third semester taught her that she should take time for herself. This is easier said than done as I always feel guilty saying no or not right now, especially when I 110% want to say YES.
2. Start early and give myself time. I have not yet figured out if I am just slow or particularly detailed when it comes to certain things. Maybe both? Whatever the case may be, I want to have enough time to do what I need to do with room for the unexpected.
Not My Circus, Not My Monkey
3. Breathe and enjoy the ride. This somewhat blends into part one. I can’t react to everything…it creates stress unnecessarily and nursing school on its own is enough stress. I hope to let it go when I realize that it is out of my control and ask for help when I need it; as I mentioned, I was blessed with a wonderful support system-one of whom is available 24-7s. Also, if I need a break, take one and leave the guilt and worries behind. Sometimes I will be able to say yes, and I want those moments to count. Taking this a bit further, studying doesn’t have to be boring-choose new spots like the library? or a café? Draw/exercise while listening to an audio, and talk/write it out. Be original and do what’s best for you. We all have our needs and sometimes they might be different and that’s okay. Furthermore, don’t stress about the small things and take care of myself.
These are all easier said than done, but I hope to carry these goals beyond this semester. These are just a few goals that I have set up for myself and I hope they inspire you in some way too. That’s it for now, so until next time, Peace be.
Simply, Anna Reece.