Hello lovelies. I hope you are doing well.
I accidentally ran into a few interesting recipes, nothing fancy and I thought that I would share.
I would like to call this series “Refreshing Mint.”
Refreshing Mint part 1: Mint Water:
Story Time
Before we get started, here is a little back story.
I was raised on Mint tea. In Jamaica (or maybe just my family), we drink tea a little different.
You add the tea bag, some water, few spoons of sugar (or a lot if you are serving it to a child), let it cool a little and voila, tea.
As a result, when we moved here, my mom always had peppermint tea bags in the cupboards and when we visited home, we would bring some tea bags back. There was just something different about the taste of Jamaican peppermint tea.
That was until my mom found a rival: mint plants from Walmart. It’s a different species of mint, but we prefer it to the tea bags.
To this day, it is hard to get her to drink mint from the tea bag.
One day I suggested that she planted it, and she now enjoys her tea from our little mint garden.
I then decided to find other uses for the mint. As the time got warmer, I remembered that I would make infused mint water for school and how much I loved it.
So, there you have it: mint + water, place it in the refrigerator over night = mint infused water.
But Anna, that is not telling us anything that we do not know already.
True, but I wanted to write about it for the inspirational part.
Class Time
Water: great at hydrating and detoxing. Depending on who you ask, they will tell you that water makes up 60-70% of the body.
Do you know what a dried sponge looks like? If you have a sponge and haven’t washed your dishes as yet, take a look to refresh your memory.
It’s shrunken, dry, stiff, course to the touch, and we could go on.
Now, imagine your lips, mouth, and eyes when you haven’t had enough water.
Then imagine what your organs may be going through.
Now, let’s think about putting salt in a cup: 1 cup of salt, to ¼ cup of water.
Got the picture?
Drinking water helps your blood flow, thus allowing your organs to get the proper nutrients and oxygen that it needs to not only survive but thrive.
It balances the ratio of solutes within the body so that things are not so “salty.” Don’t get me wrong, salt has its place, but too much of one thing is never good enough. Additionally, you do not want to over do it either. Water overload is a real thing.
Considering that one has no underlining issues, the right amount of water energizes you, helps with temperature control, clears up your skin, aids in digestion, keeps those kidneys happy, and more.
Yes Anna, we get the idea, water is important.
Yes, it is. Now for the mint.
Some may know that mint is effective when it comes to digestion, but it has so much more benefits.
As it relates to this post, the scent of mints just has a calming effect. It may not be for everyone, but it sure does wonders for me.
With a calmer state of being, one can create and execute.
Additionally, mint has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, so it helps in cleaning up the insides (and outsides depending on its use).
With a healthy body, one can do wonders.
Now place these two ingredients together in the right proportion and there you go.
It is also satisfying to see the dark green plant floating in the water, and the scent each time it is poured from the jug into the glass makes me happy.

Now, everything in proportion, right? Right.
Typically, my family does three to four stalks of mint to 68 oz of H2O (water).
We rinse the mint with cool-cold water (the warmer the water, the quicker the chemical process).
We then add the water to the jug (doesn’t matter the temperature at this point, but its usually cool-warm) and place it in the refrigerator.
The longer the better.
In the end, you have a refreshing glass of water that aids in replenishing and detoxing your body, which helps to set the foundation of getting you energized, cleansed, and inspired for your day, an upcoming project, or even just to relax.
You can make this moderately as part of a routine or occasionally a treat.
It may also be the boost you need to increase your water intake.
Self Care is not an expense, it's an investment.
That’s it for now, until next time, peace be.
~Simply Anna Reece.
Picture supplied by wix.com