Greetings once again. I would like to thank you for all the support that you have shown.
Technically you guys are all up to date. The previous post: International Journey: part 3 as well as my RN-BSN post has brought you up to speed on my current position, but I wanted to let you know just how grateful I am for this opportunity to share my process, and I hope that it helps others.
This trial has shaken my world and many a times my faith has been tested. Though I am not where I want to be, I must admit that I see improvement and I am grateful for that.
If you have a goal or dream of becoming an international student either for the experience of a new culture or to gain more independence etc., I would implore you to pray about it, do the research, and try.
Please research the schools and their locations, because depending on where you are, you will not be able to stay on campus during summer and winter breaks.
Also, it is important that you have options when it comes to internship, working, and or other extra-activities that you may want to take part in, thus the environment you choose should allow you to grow and explore your options.
Additionally, attending a school and living in an environment that supports international students gives you a support system as you will have other people who are going through what you are going through. It is tough being away from family, and being in a totally new culture only adds to it, so support systems are paramount on this journey.
You could also research to see if your intended school has an online group for international students so that you can connect with them before you arrive.
"Know Your Why and make it Meaningful."
Some schools may also want you to arrive early for orientation, thus, I would suggest packing some essentials in your carry-on. That way you can live out of that while you go through the various activities that your college has to offer without having the pressure to unpack immediately.
College/University is a big step for anyone, but the journey of an international student calls for another level of growth. I do not think that one is ever really prepared for each case it different.
Again, if this is something that is on your heart, it’s a scary journey but it has its beauties. I have learnt so much about myself, my support system, and God through this process and I am left dumbstruck by the love, support, and opportunities at times.
It does get frustrating, it can be daunting, and there are moments of uncertainty. Thus, I encourage you to pray, research, ask questions (I can answer some personal questions: find me @simplyannareece on Instagram), pray some more, and go in with an open mind as things will not always go to plan.
That’s it for now. Thank you for stopping by and peace be.
For more information on becoming an international student in the United States, click here.
